Proposed Budget Reductions 2023-2024

MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Ann Tschetter, Chair, Academic Planning Committee

FROM: Ronnie D. Green, Chancellor

DATE: April 12, 2023

SUBJECT: Proposed Budget Reductions

Dear Dr. Tschetter and Members of the Academic Planning Committee,

As required by the procedures for significant budget reductions and according to the timeline in the framework document we agreed to last month, I am providing you a specific plan for reducing UNL’s budget. This plan was developed after close coordination with the Vice Chancellors, Deans, and other academic leaders. The reductions proposed here are consistent with the priorities of the university’s strategic plan and the governance rules of the university and its organizational units. I intend to publicly release this information on Friday, April 14th.

The budget reduction proposals described here amount to $10,770,191 and prioritize reduction of administrative costs across the University.

Total Budget Reduction Required by Division
Chancellor’s Office (including ODI)$225,766
Executive Vice Chancellor (including Academic Affairs colleges)$7,300,953
Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources$2,885,673
Research & Economic Development$200,884
Business & Finance$126,372
Student Affairs$30,543


Chancellor’s Office (including ODI)$225,766
Vacant Staff Position
Located in ODI
Administrative Position
Located in ODI. Nonrenewal of contract
Vacant Staff Position
Eliminate vacant staff budget related to planned retirement
Unused Office Staff Budget$8,102
Reduce Operating Budget
Accomplish by reducing membership expenses


Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor$1,465,951
Summer Sessions Instructional Budget
Reduce summer sessions instructional budgets
Move Staff Positions to Alternative Funding
Four filled managerial/professional staff positions in the Office of the University Registrar, one managerial/professional staff position in University Television, and 0.5 FTE of one managerial/professional staff position in Undergraduate Education Programs will move to alternative funding
Move Administrative Positions to Alternative Funding
Public Policy Center Director (.75 FTE), Associate Dean of Undergraduate Advising and Career Development (.30 FTE of 1.0 FTE), and the General Manager for Nebraska Public Media (0.04 FTE of 1.0 FTE)
Vacant Administrative/Administrative Stipend Budget
Funding from vacant administrative positions that is available for reduction. Includes funds from Global Affairs and the Office of Graduate Studies
Vacant Faculty Budget
Funding from vacant faculty positions
Vacant Staff Budget
Vacant managerial/professional positions; includes funds from Global Affairs, Career Services, and Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics
Reduce Operating Budget
Center for Transformative Teaching & University Honors Program
Reduction in Permanent Funding of Named Professorships
Permanent funding for state-funded named professorships –Cather/Bessey, Weaver/Douglas, and Rosowski


College of Architecture$134,067
Vacant Faculty Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty budget related to planned separations or retirements
Move administrative position to alternative funding$12,335


College of Arts & Sciences$1,784,480
Vacant Faculty Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty budget related to planned separations or retirements
Vacant Faculty POE Budget$51,493
Reduce Administrative Budget
Used to compensate Chairs & Directors for summer administrative work
Move Staff Positions to Alternative Funding
2.91 FTE filled managerial/professional staff positions
Reduce Graduate/Student Worker Pools
Eliminate permanent state-aided funds from units without active graduate programs
Reduce Operating Budget
Reduce operating budgets that have not been fully utilized in research centers
Vacant Staff POE Budget
Funding from vacant managerial / professional staff POE budget pools


College of Business$968,795
Vacant Faculty Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty budget related to planned separations and retirements
Move Administrative Position to Alternative Funding
Center Director (.40 FTE)
Vacant Administrative/Administrative Stipend Budget
Due to a planned separation in an academic administrative position
Reduction in Staff Workforce
Eliminate staff position that supports College of Business Graduate Programs


College of Education and Human Sciences$574,461
Vacant Administrative/Administrative Stipend Budget
Eliminate the college’s associate dean positions (2.5FTE)
Vacant Faculty Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty budget related to a planned retirement


College of Engineering$1,259,798
Move Staff Positions to Alternative Funding
Five filled managerial/professional staff positions
Move Faculty Position to Alternative Funding
One non-tenure line faculty member
Vacant Faculty Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty budget related to planned separations and retirements
Vacant Faculty POE Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty POE budget (2.0 FTE) related to planned separations
Reduction in Staff Workforce
Elimination of a managerial/professional staff position that supports college operations
Reduce Operating Budget
Operating budgets across College reduced


Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts$358,224
Move Faculty Position to Alternative Funding
One non-tenure line faculty position
Move Staff Position to Alternative Funding
One managerial/professional staff position that supports School operations
Move Administrative Positions to Alternative Funding
Administrative stipends for three directors
Vacant Staff Budget
Eliminate one vacant managerial/professional staff position


College of Journalism and Mass Communications$150,421
Vacant Faculty Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty budget
Vacant Administrative/Administrative Stipend Budget
Eliminate an administrative stipend that was formerly designated for a graduate chair


College of Law$225,485
Vacant Faculty Budget
Eliminate vacant faculty budget related to a planned separation
Move Administrative Positions to Alternative Funding
Stipends supporting a Director and Associate Dean
Vacant Administrative/Administrative Stipend Budget
Eliminate vacant academic administrative stipend budget previously supporting a Director and Associate Dean


University Libraries$379,271
Shift Content & Collections to Alternative Funding
Expenditures that support content & collections will be shifted to alternative funding
Operations Reduction
Reduce hours of operation by closing the Love South and Dinsdale locations at 10 p.m. instead of 1 a.m. on Sunday through Thursday weekdays, eliminating need for community service officers & reducing student worker wage budgets
Vacant Administrative/Administrative Stipend Budget
Planned separation in an academic administrative position


Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources$2,885,673
Administrative Position Reductions
Administrative reductions within the Vice Chancellor’s office
Reduce Vice Chancellor Administrative Office Budget$350,113
Reduce CASNR Administrative Office Budget$108,626
Reduce ARD Administrative Office Budget$53,734
Reduce Extension Administrative Office Budget$150,275
Unit Base Budget Reduction
Reallocation of base budgets across all major budgetary units within IANR


Research and Economic Development$200,884
Vacant Staff Position
Eliminate vacant staff budget related to recent retirement
Move Staff Positions to Alternative Funding
Salaries for staff supporting the general exhibit and Trailside museum will be shifted from state support to alternative funding. In additional, a portion of a staff position supporting press engagement will be shifted
Unused Operating Budget$5,080


Business and Finance$126,372
Vacant Administrative Staff Budget
Eliminate budget related to planned departures


Student Affairs$30,543
Reduce Operating Budgets
Funds will come from Unions and Trio budgets