Phase Two Proposed Budget Reductions (2021-2023)

A summary of budget reduction proposals is shown for each college/unit, along with the total budget reduction proposed. Reduction proposals total $22,464,824.

College of Architecture$246,388
Fiscal Year 2021
Reduce Student Worker and Graduate Student Budget
Reduction of Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) positions, addition of Graduate and Undergraduate Learning Assistants; and, reduction of the student worker budget.
Fiscal Year 2023
Reduce Graduate Student Budget
Further reduction of GTA positions and addition of Graduate Learning Assistants.
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
The College will reduce its permanent faculty pool by $85,114 in VSIP funding.


College of Arts and Sciences$5,389,278
Fiscal Year 2021
Shift Faculty Budget to Alternative Funding
The College has identified $35,882 in faculty positions that will be moved to alternative funding sources.
Vacant Faculty Positions
The College has identified $470,238 in funding from vacated faculty positions that is readily available for cuts.
The College anticipates $227,647 in additional vacated faculty positions due to non-VSIP retirements by August 2020.
Vacant Administrative Stipends
The College has identified $12,781 in funding through the elimination of one Associate Dean position and from vacated administrative positions that are readily available for cuts.
Shift Filled Staff Budget to Alternative Funding
The College has identified $167,270 in staff positions that will move to alternative funding. .
Filled Business Staff Re-organization, Retirements, and Possible Reductions in Force
The College anticipates $171,182 in staff re-organization of business support staff in line with SDI specialized positions/services and retirements.
Vacant Staff Positions
The College has identified $285,709 in funding from vacated staff positions that is readily available for cuts
Reduce Student Worker Budget
The College will reduce student worker budget by $44,698.
Fiscal Year 2022
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
The College will reduce its permanent faculty pool by $1,520,016 in VSIP funding that will become available in FY22.
Filled Business Staff Re-organization, Retirements, and Possible Reductions in Force
The College anticipates $171,182 in staff re-organization of business support staff in line with SDI specialized positions/services and retirements.
Reduce or Shift Graduate Student budget
The College will work with departments to assess graduate program sizes and alternative funding sources in FY21 with the intent of reducing overall graduate stipends and remissions by FY23.
Fiscal Year 2023
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
The College will further reduce its permanent faculty pool by $465,438 in VSIP funding.
Future Faculty Vacancies
We anticipate additional faculty salary savings of $976,074 by FY23 that can be applied towards this cut.
Shift Filled Staff Budget to Alternative Funds
We will continue to work with Research Centers to identify support staff funding up to $250,000 that can be moved to alternative service center, revolving or grant funds by FY23.
Filled Business Staff Re-organization, Retirements, and Possible Reductions in Force
The college anticipates $100,000 in staff re-organization of business support staff in line with SDI specialized positions/services and retirements.
Staff Vacancies
We anticipate an additional staff savings of $50,000 by FY23 that will be applied toward this cut.
Reduce or Shift Graduate Student Budget
The College will work with departments to assess graduate program sizes and alternative funding sources in FY21 with the intent of reducing overall graduate stipends and remissions by FY23.


College of Business$2,961,563
Fiscal Year 2021
Voluntary faculty FTE reduction
Voluntary FTE reduction for a full-time faculty member.
Elimination of vacant faculty lines
The elimination of three vacant faculty positions.
Elimination of open M/P positions
The elimination of three vacant student-facing positions.
Reduction in staff workforce
The elimination of staff positions that support the Dean's office, departments and college operations.
Fiscal Year 2022
Elimination of 2019-20 VSIP faculty budget
Elimination of two faculty positions resulting from the VSIP program.
Discontinuation of Intercollegiate Athletics Administration specialization in the Master of Arts
We plan to discontinue the specialization of intercollegiate athletic administration in our Master of Arts degree, no new admitted students eliminates graduate assistantships and eliminates the associated faculty director administrative stipend.
$140,277 (FY23 $87,000)
Fiscal Year 2023
Elimination of 2019-20 VSIP line and vacant faculty lines
The elimination of one faculty position resulting from the VSIP program and anticipated faculty vacant positions.
Discontinuation of Intercollegiate Athletics Administration specialization in the Master of Arts
Eliminates the remaining graduate assistantships associated with the program
$87,000 (FY22 $140,277)


College of Education and Human Sciences$1,663,840 ($479,688 CEHS-IANR)
Fiscal Year 2021
Reduce Vacant Administration
Elimination of a vacant administrative position and its associated stipend.
Eliminate Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
Budget for vacant administrator and vacant faculty line as well as some operating costs will be eliminated.
$227,878 CEHS-EVC & $21,793 CEHS-IANR
Fiscal Year 2022
2019-2020 VSIP Faculty Budget
Elimination of four vacant faculty positions resulting from the 2019-20 VSIP program.
$412,567 CEHS-EVC
Reduce Temporary Instruction
Through curriculum collaboration and consolidations in the departments, we plan to hire fewer temporary lecturers to deliver courses. Budget will be eliminated.
$168,870 CEHS-EVC
Eliminate Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
Budget for two staff positions will be eliminated along with a portion of operating and student worker/graduate assistant budget.
$93,422 CEHS-EVC ($139,720 CEHS-IANR)
Fiscal Year 2023
Eliminate Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
Final budget elimination to close the department will include salaries and benefits for 6.24 faculty FTE ($611,753 CEHS-AA) and 2.70 faculty FTE ($318,175 CEHS-IANR) will be eliminated along with remaining student worker/graduate assistant funds ($51,110 CEHS-EVC).
$662,863 CEHS-EVC ($318,175 CEHS-IANR)


College of Engineering$3,707,884
Fiscal Year 2021
Filled Faculty Positions
This reduction will be achieved through a POP contract nonrenewal and voluntary FTE reduction of a full-time faculty member from 100% to 50% as part of a phased retirement.
Vacant Faculty Positions
This reduction will be the result of not filling faculty budget lines that are vacant or pending voluntary separation or are in a pool position.
Vacant Faculty POE Budget
This reduction will be from a vacant faculty POE pool.
Vacant Staff Positions
This reduction will be the result of not filling vacant or pooled staff positions. These lines will all come from the Dean’s office. Savings will be realized through reorganization of the Engineering Business Center, IT, and Student Services.
Reduction in Staff Workforce
This reduction in force will be two current staff employees. This also includes the voluntary reduction in FTE from 1.0 to 0.5 of one staff member.
Fiscal Year 2022
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
The College will reduce its permanent faculty pool by $697,280 in VSIP funding that will become available in FY22.
Vacant Faculty Positions
This reduction will be the result of not filling faculty budget lines that are vacant or pending voluntary separation or are in a pool position.
Vacant Faculty POE Budget
This reduction will be from a vacant faculty POE pool.
Filled Staff Positions
This reduction in force is of one staff employee. This person is expected to retire, and we will not be replacing this position.
Fiscal Year 2023
Vacant Faculty Positions
This reduction will be the result of not filling anticipated voluntary separations.
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
The College will reduce its permanent faculty pool from the 2019-20 VSIP program
Filled Staff Positions
This reduction will come from a reorganization of staff support and a staff person that will be retiring.
Reduce Graduate Student Budget
This reduction is in TA lines for all Departments in the Collee of Engineering.


College of Journalism and Mass Communications$302,483
Fiscal Year 2021
Vacant Faculty Positions
This funding is the residual funding from the EVC’s lapsed salary sweep in FY19. The funds have been utilized to support temporary instruction in the college. Instruction will continue through hiring permanent faculty on existing vacant lines.
Reduce Student Worker Budget
This funding is designated to support student workers in the college. We will utilize cash resources or foundation funds to replace student worker support.
Fiscal Year 2022
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
Elimination of a partial vacant faculty position from the VSIP program.
Fiscal Year 2023
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
Elimination of a partial vacant faculty position from the VSIP program.


Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts$1,103,493
Fiscal Year 2021
Reduction in Student Worker Budget
Reduction of student worker budget
Reduce Vacant Faculty Lines and Pools that Support Temporary Instruction
Funding from vacated faculty positions and pools that support temporary instruction.
Vacant Administrative Stipends
Pool funds that have been used to support administrative stipends.
Fiscal Year 2022
Reduce or Shift Graduate Student budget
State appropriated GTA lines will be eliminated across all units in the College. To backfill, GTA stipends and non-tuition remission related benefits will be funded by endowment funds as much as possible.
Elimination of Vacant Faculty
State appropriations for one vacant faculty position will be eliminated.
Reduction in Staff Workforce
Reduction in staff support for unit operations.
Fiscal Year 2023
College of Fine and Performing Arts - Foundation Funds fulfilling Unfunded Scholarships
Alternative sources of funds from endowment income will be applied towards state-aided funded scholarships for students.
Elimination of a 2019-20 VSIP Faculty Line and a Vacant Faculty Line
A 2019-20 VSIP line and an anticipated vacant faculty position will be eliminated.
Reduce or Shift Graduate Student Budget
State appropriated GTA lines will be eliminated across all units in the College. To backfill, GTA stipends and non-tuition remission related benefits will be funded by endowment funds as much as possible.


College of Law$717,644
Fiscal Year 2021
Reduction in Vacant Staff
The college’s receptionist is retiring in August. We anticipate not replacing this position and will use part of the salary for a permanent reduction in FY21 with the balance in FY22.
Fiscal Year 2022
Library Content and Collections
The content and collections budget in the Schmid Law Library will be shifted to alternative funding or reduced through renegotiated contracts for periodicals, books and subscription purchases.
Reduction in Vacant Staff
Permanent reductions include the remainder of the receptionist position due to retirement, estimated at $16,423.
Reduction in Vacant Faculty
Unfilled faculty budget positions.
Fiscal Year 2023
Shift to Alternative Funding for Administrative Position
Transfer of an administrative position to foundation funds within the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center.
Vacant Staff
Reduction in vacant staff positions.
Reduction in Vacant Faculty
Unfilled faculty position pool.


Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources$5,053,840
Fiscal Year 2021
2019-20 VSIP faculty budget
Elimination of 13 faculty positions resulting from the VSIP program.
Vacating Pre-tenure Faculty Position
Elimination of pre-tenure faculty positions vacating through normal attrition.
Eliminate Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
See College of Education and Human Sciences section for complete explanation.
Fiscal Year 2022
2019-20 VSIP faculty budget
Elimination of 2 faculty positions resulting from the VSIP program.
Vacating Pre-tenure Faculty Position
Elimination of pre-tenure faculty positions projected to vacate through normal attrition.
Eliminate Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
See College of Education and Human Sciences section for complete explanation.
Eliminate CASNR Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management Degree Program
Elimination of .5 FTE administrative support position funding.
Fiscal Year 2023
Vacating Pre-tenure Faculty Position
Elimination of pre-tenure faculty positions projected to vacate through normal attrition.
Eliminate Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
See College of Education and Human Sciences section for complete explanation.
Eliminate CASNR Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management Degree Program
Elimination of 1.0 FTE tenured faculty position funding.
Reduce Nebraska Extension Program Educator, Specialist and operating budget lines
Elimination of approximately 13 FTE of state funded positions.


Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management$126,883
Fiscal Year 2022
Vacant Staff Position
The School has identified $59,353 in funding from a staff position that is unfilled.
Fiscal Year 2023
Future Vacant Faculty Position
The School anticipates a faculty retirement and the salary will be permanently reduced.


Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor$198,651
Fiscal Year 2022
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
The Office will reduce its permanent faculty pool from the 2019-20 VSIP program.
Fiscal Year 2023
2019-20 VSIP Faculty Budget
The Office will reduce its permanent faculty pool from the 2019-20 VSIP program.


Undergraduate Education & Student Success$46,393
Fiscal Year 2021
Reduction in Staff workforce
The elimination of a filled staff position.


University Libraries$946,484
Fiscal Year 2021
Content & Collections Funding Move
$249,324 in recurring content and collections expenditures will be shifted to alternative funding sources.
Fiscal Year 2022
Content & Collections Funding Move
An additional $125,676 in recurring expenditures will be shifted to alternative funding sources.
Content & Collections Reduction
Absorb $100,000 in reductions through outright content cancellations, primarily for recurring subscriptions.
Content & Collections Renegotiation
Undertake short-term negotiations to reduce or eliminate annual price increases, if not actually decrease base pricing, for recurring content expenditures. The goal for fiscal year 2022 will be reductions totaling $103,118.
Fiscal Year 2023
Staff Vacancy Reduction
Eliminate one vacant staff position.
Content & Collections Funding Move
An additional $100,000 in recurring expenditures will be shifted to alternative funding sources.
Content & Collections Reduction
Absorb an additional $110,000 in reductions through cancellations of content.
Content & Collections Renegotiation
Undertake additional negotiations to reduce or eliminate annual price increases, if not actually decrease base pricing. The goal for fiscal year 2023 will be additional reductions of $102,067.