2022 State of Our University – Chancellor Ronnie Green
“When I welcomed this year’s freshman class at Memorial Stadium, I made them a promise. I told them – ‘You will be prepared. Through the grit will come stronger, bigger talents. You will become more nimble, flexible and adaptable to any challenge – and better prepared throughout your life to step up in any situation….in a fast-paced, ever-changing world, you will leave UNL with the tools needed to succeed.’ ”
2021 State of Our University – Chancellor Ronnie Green
“I believe with every ounce of my being that we will come through this crucible-like time more than ever as a leader, not a follower. I believe we will come through it more united in purpose and mission. I believe the creative ingenuity unleashed in this moment in time will continue to empower us to scale to greater heights.”
2020 State of Our University – Chancellor Ronnie Green
“It was a year where we both celebrated and renewed the commitment of our university’s tri-fold Land-grant mission of access to highest quality education for the 21st century, research and innovation that is changing the world, and engagement with the full citizenry of Nebraska.”
N|150 State of the University Address – Chancellor Ronnie Green
“Today I will ask each of you to collectively dream with me and take up the “N150 challenge” -- to reach for greater heights in UNL’s next generation through a “doubled-down” transformative, integrated three-part mission as a world-leading 21st century Land Grant University – a University truly without walls.”
2017-2018 State of the University Address – Chancellor Ronnie Green
“This mission has never been more important in our 149-year history than today – in all three mission areas. Higher education has never been more needed for career success, nor research and innovation to better understand and improve the human and natural environmental condition. And I would dare to wager that there have been few times over the past 15 decades where understanding the benefits of higher education and the academe’ for the general public – i.e. translating our value – has been more in demand than today.”
2016-2017 State of the University Address – Chancellor Ronnie Green
“It’s a real privilege that we have, as we settle in to the 2016-17 year for us here, to take a breath, to step back, to assess, to take stock of the progress of our university and, this year in particular, I would say perhaps equally importantly, to look out to the future of our great university.”