Farewell State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
“As I think back on what our team tried to do to make a difference in this university, the universal truth is that we invested in talent. We made small and large bets on existing and prospective faculty who had creative ideas and the qualities necessary to implement them.”
2015-2016 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"I say all of this as context to my summary of the State of the University. Nebraska is not the university we were 15 years ago. Because of good fortune, extraordinary external support from friends and alumni, and a collective internal commitment to drive this university forward, we are now a far better university."
2014-2015 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"For the last 14 years we have focused on building a vibrant undergraduate education program and an aggressive and competitive research agenda. As a land grant university we have an overriding responsibility to serve the people of Nebraska by attracting and educating young talent and through our research by helping to create a resilient, innovative economy."
2013-2014 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"I've been thinking that this is quite a remarkable time to be at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It has been observed that the passage of time is what keeps things from happening all at once. We often fail to appreciate how incremental accomplishments, large and small, form a mosaic representing substantial institutional momentum and achievement."
2012-2013 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"We come together again for the annual occasion when you allow me to address you on the state of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The fact it occurs on a date of great tragedy in our country's history is driven by the constraints of scheduling and not by any design to incorporate or detract from our memory of those event. This occasion provides me an opportunity to showcase the talent and accomplishments of the university. As I said in my welcoming email, it is a gift we all share to work in a community so rich in talent and so tasked with such important and satisfying responsibilities."
2011-2012 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"Over the last decade we have grown from a place of modest ambitions and accomplishments to a university of energy, optimism and self-confidence. We have served our year in the wilderness and are now a full member of the Big Ten. In so many ways, we are a different university. I am frequently asked what our entry into the Big Ten means. In athletics it is a new set of peers, new rivalries, new venues, new challenges. In academics it is new colleagues, a new seat on the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, a new set of opportunities and expectations. The most important impact of our transition to the Big Ten is, however, in how we must view ourselves and what new ambitions we must embrace."
2010-2011 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"Looking back, I can't help but stand in awe of what we have collectively accomplished over the last year. No recitation here, no listing in the Scarlet, no subsequent compilation by historians can do it justice. Looking forward, the opportunities that are before us have never been more important or more visible. The challenges are just as real."
2009-2010 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"The last time I formally addressed you was on September 4, 2008. What has happened since, both within the university and in the larger community, is breathtaking."
2008-2009 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"A university is a community of individuals designed to discover, train, nourish and mentor the future talent that our society will require..."
2007-2008 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"...I hope, like me, that when you approach the campus you feel the vibrancy and excitement of this place, that you reflect on the successes we have shared and the potential we have before us, and that you are energized and reinvigorated by the Power of Red."
2006-2007 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"My most persistent feeling, however, is one of pride. This university has reached a new level of achievement - one that places us squarely among the top public research universities ... you cannot travel anywhere in Nebraska without seeing first-hand the impact this university has on the lives of this state's citizens."
2005-2006 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"I hope that each of you will use wisely the power we have been provided—the power to give young people the skills, the experiences, and the perspectives to make their way in the world and to advance the frontiers of knowledge in service to our state and country. In short, I invite you to share in full measure, the pride, the passion, and the power of RED."
2004-2005 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"we are a stronger university. . . prepared to expand the horizons and opportunities of our faculty, students, and staff, positioned to have our rightful place among the very best public universities."
2003-2004 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"Notwithstanding all that we have been through during the past several months, I am pleased to say that your university remains strong, that its upward momentum continues, and that it enjoys considerable opportunities for further achievement."
2002-2003 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"As you know, your university faces some very serious financial challenges of a nature not seen since the 1930s. . ."
2001-2002 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"I will not today, announce any major change in direction for this University, but rather celebrate our continuity and the steady progress we are making."
2000-2001 State of the University Address – Chancellor Harvey Perlman
"In the next few minutes I want to do three things. . . assess the current state of the University. . . outline a proposed agenda for the coming year. . . Finally, I will close with some personal remarks."
Other Speeches
Remarks upon receiving Roger T. Larson Community Builder Award from the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
The award is given to an exceptional candidate whose proven leadership and influence through public service has shaped the Lincoln community.
Watch Chancellor Harvey Perlman's Special Address to Alumni 2009