- Authority for University of Nebraska-Lincoln Organization. The following structure is established for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (hereinafter referred to as UNL). Reporting relationships not provided by the Bylaws of UNL (hereinafter referred to as the UNL Bylaws) or the Regents Bylaws shall be determined by the Chancellor of UNL (hereinafter referred to as the Chancellor). The Chancellor shall, in cases where the faculty or students have a primary interest, notify the Faculty Senate or the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as ASUN) in advance of any intention to modify such reporting relationships In accordance with Sections 2.8 and 2.9 of the Regents Bylaws.
- Administrative Officers.
- Chancellor. The Chancellor shall be selected in accordance with Chapter II of the Board or Regents Bylaws and shall have the authority and responsibilities provided by those bylaws. The Chancellor shall be the chief executive officer of the campus and shall exercise such executive powers as are necessary for the proper governance of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and for the protection and advancement of its interests in their entirety. The Chancellor shall enforce the regulations and orders of the Board and President and may issue policy memoranda that will be effective throughout the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Prior to issuing such memoranda, the Chancellor will consult with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the ASUN Executive Committee. Such memoranda shall not be inconsistent with the Regents Bylaws or the UNL Bylaws.
- Vice Chancellors. The Vice Chancellors shall report to the Chancellor, and shall be selected in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Regents Bylaws.
- Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer serves as the intellectual and academic leader for the campus with the mission of achieving excellence across all parameters. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer reports directly to the Chancellor, oversees all academic matters except as provided in Section, and is the responsible authority in the absence of the Chancellor. In collaboration with the Academic Deans, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer will assure pursuit of excellence through oversight of undergraduate teaching and learning; research; creative activities and pursuits; student affairs; graduate mentoring; faculty development, promotion and tenure; resource allocation; strategic planning; and by developing innovative academic initiatives that will be recognized as unique signature strengths. As the chief administrative officer for Academic Affairs, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer shall be the principal adviser to the Chancellor in matters affecting faculty status, including recommendations for promotion, continuous appointment, reappointment, and nonreappointment, for all faculty personnel with the exception of personnel in the Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources. The UNL academic deans, other than those in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, report directly to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. Other entities led by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer include Student Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the Research and Economic Development and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, Academic Services and Enrollment Management (Office of Admissions, Office of the University Registrar, Scholarships and Financial Aid); Career Services; Education Abroad; Exploratory & Pre-Professional Advising Center; First-Year Experience & Transition Programs; International Student & Scholar Office; Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science & Management; Nebraska Educational Television; Online and Distance Education; Public Policy Center; Undergraduate Education Programs; and the University Honors Program. The Executive Vice Chancellor shall meet with the Faculty Senate at least once during the academic year.
- Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall be the chief administrative officer of the Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Vice Chancellor for the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall be responsible for providing leadership for all agricultural and natural resources affairs in the University of Nebraska as they involve the office of Chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the President and the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. He or she shall coordinate agricultural, natural resources, and related matters of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As senior agricultural and natural resources administrator in the University of Nebraska, the Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln shall together provide advice and counsel to assist the President and Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska in agricultural, natural resources, and related matters. The Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall serve as the executive officer for the Chancellor in all matters involving personnel, budgets, and programs included within the Institute of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, including the academic programs of the College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources. The Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall coordinate with the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer to ensure the consistency of academic policies, procedures, and curricula throughout UNL. The Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall be the principal adviser to the Chancellor in matters affecting faculty status, including recommendations for promotion, continuous appointment, reappointment, and non-reappointment, for all personnel in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall meet with the Faculty Senate at least once during the academic year.
- Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance. The Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance serves as the chief business and fiscal officer of UNL. The Vice Chancellor shall be responsible for the submission of budgets in proper form, for the administration of all budgets, accounting, and payroll, the receipt and disbursement of all funds, supervision of accounting for all research and other grant funds, auditing, financial system development and the preparation of all financial reports as required by the Board of Regents, the State of Nebraska, and the U. S. government. The Vice Chancellor shall also be responsible for the administering of all capital construction projects, custodial and maintenance aspects of the buildings, grounds, and equipment of the Lincoln campuses and outstate activities, the procurement of all supplies and materials, all inventory functions, security and parking, non-academic personnel and fringe benefits, and all special business services. The business operations of all auxiliary enterprises of UNL shall be subject to approval by the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance. He or she shall execute contracts and agreements as directed by the Board of Regents.
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs serves as the executive officer in non-academic matters relating to student life at UNL. Within this context, this officer has a major responsibility for offering to the students educational, intellectual, residential, recreational, and cultural programs and for developing a climate of community on the campus. The Vice Chancellor shall also develop and administer a series of services aimed at supporting the academic mission of UNL.
- Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development. The Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development serves as the executive officer in matters relating to research at UNL, except as provided elsewhere in the UNL Bylaws. This officer shall have the responsibility for developing a productive climate for research throughout UNL, serving as liaison with State and Federal agencies, facilitating cooperative research with industry and other universities, fostering the transfer of UNL developed technology to commercial use and administering UNL-wide research related programs. The Vice Chancellor shall develop and administer policies for competitive grants and contracts through the Research Grants and Contracts Office and licenses and agreements as designated by the Vice Chancellor (currently NUtech Ventures). The Vice Chancellor will be responsible for policies related to indirect cost budgeting and allocation. Additionally, the Vice Chancellor shall encourage scholarly publication through the University Press and the acquisition and exhibition of scholarly collections through the University of Nebraska State Museum. The Vice Chancellor will administer University policies for such regulatory committees assigned to that office by the Chancellor.
- Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer. The Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer will lead overall strategic technology and data initiatives and operations at UNL. This includes campus-wide responsibility for aligning academic and administrative information technology and data analysis efforts with institutional goals. This position also includes responsibility for recommending and implementing governance processes and performance metrics to ensure that information technology investments deliver high value in support of the campus mission. This position is responsible and accountable for providing the most effective, innovative and cost effective technology and data intelligence services for academic and administrative operations and new initiatives.
- Colleges and Academic Units. Colleges and Academic Units at UNL shall adopt rules and policies governing the administration of their unit. Such rules and policies shall be published. Such rules and policies shall be consistent with the Regents Bylaws, the UNL Bylaws, and the rules and policies of any administrative unit of which it is a part. Rules and policies that may impact the status of students, faculty, or staff of the unit are effective only if approved by the requisite Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor. Each College shall adopt by-laws for its management and operation. Such bylaws shall become effective on approval of the requisite Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor.
- The following colleges are established at UNL: The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the College of Architecture, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business, the College of Engineering, the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, the College of Education and Human Sciences, the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, and the College of Law.
- The Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Institute shall include the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Agricultural Research Division, and Nebraska Extension. Governance of the Institute shall be by its faculty; and a dean, director, or other chief administrative officer shall head each of the above units.
- College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Degree granting programs within the Institute shall be within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
- Agricultural Research Division. For administrative and governance purposes, the Division shall be considered equivalent to a college. Programs of research shall be administered through established departments or units within the Institute, departments within the College of Education and Human Sciences, or other units of UNL, and through district research and extension centers. The Dean of the Agricultural Research Division shall have administrative responsibility for developing and executing cooperative research program relationships with colleges, departments, and other units of the University of Nebraska, and with such other state and federal agencies, industries, and organizations as may be consistent with the most effective conduct of its program.
- Nebraska Extension. For administrative and governance purposes, Nebraska Extension shall be considered equivalent to a college. Programs of Nebraska Extension shall be administered through established departments or units within the Institute, the College of Education and Human Sciences, or other units of UNL, district research and extension centers, extension program units and counties. The Dean of Nebraska Extension shall also have administrative responsibility for developing and executing cooperative extension programs concerning agriculture, natural resources, and human resources and family sciences with other units of the University of Nebraska, and with such other state and federal agencies, industries, and organizations as may be consistent with the most effective conduct of its program.
- Graduate Studies. Graduate Studies at UNL shall be organized and conducted pursuant to the rules and bylaws of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska. In accordance with these UNL Bylaws, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer shall appoint a Dean of Graduate Studies who shall be responsible for coordinating and administering graduate-level programs and policies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The UNL Dean of Graduate Studies reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. The governance of graduate programs that are principally lodged at UNL shall be by and through the graduate program committees and the UNL Graduate Council, in accordance with the authority delegated to these bodies by the Executive Graduate Council of the University-wide Graduate College.
- Academic Departments. The structure and administration of academic departments shall be in accordance with the Regents Bylaws.
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries report to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. The Libraries shall be headed by a dean who shall have administrative authority for all budget and personnel recommendations affecting all UNL Libraries except for the Law Library, which reports to the Dean of the Law College. All collections purchased or owned by the UNL Libraries, including those housed in separate libraries, shall be a part of the UNL Libraries, under the supervision of the Dean of Libraries, except for the Law Library. Subject to the approval of the Chancellor, separate branch libraries may be maintained as part of the UNL Libraries to serve the particular needs of the departments, schools, colleges, or institutes. Regulations for all UNL Libraries shall be subject to approval by the Dean of Libraries.
- University Archives. The University Archives is the depository for University records having research or historical value. The Archives may hold the professional and personal papers of Members of the Board of Regents, members of the academic and administrative staffs, and records of faculty and student organizations that may be given to the University for preservation and use. No official University records shall be discarded or destroyed by any University officer or employee except as authorized by the Regent Bylaws, the UNL Bylaws, or by the Records Management Act.1 The University Archivist, reporting to the Dean of Libraries, is responsible for the identification and systematic transfer of inactive official records in the Archives.
- Other Programmatic Units. The following are among the programs which have their own role and mission statements which include cooperation with academic programs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: UNL Art Galleries, University Press, and Nebraska Educational Telecommunications.
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln Art Galleries. The galleries shall be the depository of art objects belonging to UNL. Directors or curators shall manage the galleries. The director or curator shall be responsible for the acquisition, preservation, and care of all art objects belonging to UNL and shall arrange for appropriate exhibitions. These materials shall be made available for teaching, research, and interpretation.
- University of Nebraska State Museum. The University of Nebraska State Museum reports to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development. The State Museum shall be the depository of the University for specimens and related literature documenting the natural history and cultural heritage of Nebraska, the Great Plains, and whatever other areas are deemed suitable. Said specimens shall be maintained as a public trust and curated and preserved in an appropriate Museum division. These materials shall be made available for teaching, research, and interpretation, the results of which shall be communicated whenever possible to the scientific community and general public through publication, interpretive display, and educational programming. The Director of Museums shall be responsible for the acquisition and care of all Museum collections and shall arrange for appropriate exhibitions.
- University of Nebraska Press. The University of Nebraska Press may publish scholarly works and works of historical and literary significance consistent with its mission as an academic publisher and a major publisher of books about Nebraska and the Great Plains region. The Press will be administered by a Director consistent with the policies and procedures of the Board of Regents and in accordance with the provisions of the Regents Bylaws and statutes of the State of Nebraska. The Press shall obtain copyright in the name of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on all new titles published. Copyrights may be assigned with the approval of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance.
- Academic Planning Committee. To facilitate performance of the duties of the Chancellor specified in Sections 2.8 and 2.9 of the Regents Bylaws and Section 1.2 of these UNL Bylaws, and to enable the faculty governing body to act upon matters specified in Section 2.12.1 of the Regents Bylaws, an Academic Planning Committee is hereby created.
- Membership. The Academic Planning Committee shall consist of nineteen members as follows: (a) eight faculty members elected as provided by the Faculty Senate to staggered three-year terms. These members shall represent biological sciences; business, education, and social sciences; physical sciences; and arts and humanities with no more than two from each discipline area as defined by the Faculty Senate Syllabus of Campus Wide Committees; (b) one non-tenure track faculty member elected by the Faculty Senate from any discipline area to serve a three-year term, (c) one faculty member at large selected by the UNL Graduate Council to serve a three-year term; (d) two academic deans selected by the Chancellor to serve three-year terms; (e) a designee of the President of the Faculty Senate, who is typically the immediate past chair of the APC; (f) one undergraduate student as selected by the President of ASUN and one graduate/professional student as selected by the President of the Graduate Student Assembly; (g) the Associate to the Chancellor for UNL; (h) the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer; (i) the Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and (j) the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development. The Committee shall be comprised of eighteen members in any year in which a qualified non-tenure track nominee is not available and willing to serve. The Committee shall select its chair from among its faculty members and the Graduate Council representative. All Committee members shall vote on all motions.
- Responsibilities. The Academic Planning Committee is charged with the following responsibilities:
A. The Committee shall formulate and recommend to the Faculty Senate, to the Colleges, and to the Chancellor, goals for UNL in the areas of education (resident and extension), research, and service. These goals shall be coordinated with the responsibilities assigned to UNL as part of the structure under the control of the President of the University of Nebraska and the Board of Regents. The Committee shall engage in university-wide planning. The Committee shall, from time to time, review all stated goals and recommend modifications when appropriate. The Committee has the responsibility to approve or disapprove all new and revised academic programs.
B. The Committee shall recommend action to achieve the goals of UNL. In carrying out this duty the Committee shall recommend procedures whereby new and existing academic programs may be studied and evaluated on a continuing basis. This study and evaluation shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the need for, and the goals of, the identified programs in terms of their relationship to the needs and goals of the State of Nebraska, the University of Nebraska, and the people affected by the programs; (ii) the resources available to meet the needs and goals identified in (i) above; and (iii) the resources not available, but necessary, to meet the needs and goals identified under (i) above.
C. The Chancellor or appropriate Vice Chancellor shall review with the Committee relevant campus physical planning documents as they relate to academic program needs and education research and service goals, and the Committee shall make recommendations.
D. The Committee is empowered to approve or disapprove proposed new academic programs and changes in existing programs, including elimination. The Committee shall promulgate and follow procedures agreeable to the Faculty Senate, ASUN, and the Graduate Student Assembly. Before a change or elimination of a program is recommended, all persons connected to, or affected by, the program shall have access to all relevant information (including detailed budget data) and shall have an opportunity and a reasonable time to present data and opinions for the Committee to consider. In addition, the Committee shall work with administration and affected parties to determine an effective date for implementation of program changes or elimination which will permit a reasonable period of time for persons to prepare for changes in, or elimination of, programs which affect them. In particular, notice of termination shall be in accord with Sections 4.4.2 and 4.12 of the Regents Bylaws. As particular reductions are considered, rights under academic tenure shall be protected.
E. Changes or elimination of existing programs shall include time and opportunity for existing personnel to qualify for a position in another program within the University whenever this requirement will not materially interfere with UNL achieving in full measure the goals of education, research, and service. - Collegiate Academic Planning. The Academic Planning Committee shall encourage academic planning within the colleges and other units of UNL on a continuing basis through joint faculty-administrative-student action. The Committee shall receive and review academic plans originating at the college-level and above, as available, and may provide feedback and recommendations.
- Academic Program Reviews. The Academic Planning Committee shall be represented on all Academic Program Review teams and the representative shall provide a formal report to the Committee, including comments on the review process and visiting team report to the appropriate vice chancellor.
- Financial Exigency. Financial exigency is a bona fide situation of such serious and widespread proportions, caused by financial circumstances beyond the control of UNL that normal operations cannot be maintained and UNL programs must therefore be significantly altered.
- Financial exigency for UNL shall be declared by the Board of Regents based upon a recommendation by the Chancellor in consultation with President. The Chancellor’s recommendation shall be made only after all relevant information bearing upon the problem has been made available to the Academic Planning Committee following the procedures described in the Procedures to be Invoked for Significant Budget Reallocations and Budget Reductions (Adopted by the Academic Senate on December 8, 1992 and ASUN on February 10, 1993), and operating as the Financial Exigency Committee described in Regents Policy 4.2.11. The Academic Planning Committee shall assist the Chancellor in seeking remedies for a financial exigency. Such remedies may include elimination of faculty, staff, and administrative positions. Recommendations by the Academic Planning Committee for such elimination shall be governed by the Procedures to be Invoked for Significant Budget Reallocations and Reductions. Persons affected by a declaration of financial exigency under Section 4.16 of the Regents Bylaws shall have the right to appeal to the appropriate grievance committee, or to the Academic Rights and Responsibilities Committee pursuant to Section 4.14 of the Regents Bylaws.
- Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. A Director appointed by and reporting to the Chancellor and approved by the President and the Board of Regents shall head the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. The Director is responsible for intercollegiate athletic programs, related service functions, and the maintenance and use of intercollegiate athletic facilities on the Lincoln campuses. The Director shall be responsible for compliance with all appropriate internal and external rules and regulations relating to intercollegiate athletics. In carrying out his or her duties, the Director shall consult with an appropriate committee of the Faculty Senate.
1 The Records Management Act is codified at Nebraska Revised Statutes 84-‐1201 – 84-‐1228.